
Publish a short story

   I have  been writing a draft about the hiking in Memorial Day weekend and plan to publish as a free Kindle book.  Since this is just a report for a hiking, I was thinking a free edition.  Finally, the draft is ready and I tried to publish it tonight.

   But .....   It does not seem that there is no option to publish as a free book.  I have not done enough research about a free Kindle book and it was a problem.  I decided not to publish it tonight.  I thought there are many free books in Kindle store and I thought it would be easy.  I am not sure if there is a way to publish a free book or not.   At least the same process I went through when I publish a Japanese book for Mt. Whitney hiking does not have such option at all.  The minimum price I could choose is USD 99 cents.

   I was thinking just publish as 99 cents.  However the contents is really short and it might be too short to publish a book with some price.  I might need to do more research if there is any way to do and I might need to add more contents.  I was really disappointed....

   There is an option to publish as free with limited period and it could be an option.  I just think about the business model.  If a free publishing is allowed, then Amazon won't make any profit with this.  Then, it might not be a option to publish a book as free forever.   I will consider what would be a good way, I can share the information with many people. 

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