
Plantar Fasciitis Treatment ~ This is the best treatment based on my experience

Inner sole to support the arch
  I have been having a problem my right foot.  I got "Plantar Fasciitis" a few months ago.  It is finally getting better and the pain is much less than before.   I try to share the treatment because I guess many people might have a similar problem, but there might not be a very good way to improve the symptom.

   I saw two difference doctors when I had Plantar Fasciitis on my left foot two years ago.   The suggestion from them was:
·         Use an inner sole with the arch support (orthotics)
·         Stretching daily to get more flexibility of the muscle
·          Using medicine to release from the pain (pills, creams)
·         A surgery to inject pain relief medicine
   Based on my experience, the medicine worked somehow.  The last one was really getting worse and I had bad pain just walking.  Therefore It helped to relief the pain.  But it did not really help to improve overall symptom (pain).  I guess stretching and the orthotics might help, but once people get the pain, it might be very limited.   I also went physical therapy to learn basic stretching for this particular symptom.  It helped to avoid Plantar Fasciitis, but I do not really believe it help to improve the symptom (reducing the pain).
   I also searched more information on the internet.  So far I could not find out anything really effective to relief from the pain other than the medicine.
  Since I have done many things whatever people said it would be good.  So that I am not really sure what really helped to improve the symptom in the previous case.  But I would think “massage the foot” might help last time.  To massage foot, I was using “spiky ball” and “stick with a similar spiky balls”.  I have no idea what is the generic name of them, but here is the photos of them.  

 Spiky ball

Stick with spiky balls

   I also shot a video how I use them.  Basically, giving some pressure on the bottom of foot especially near hell.  In my case, I did this twice a day in the morning and in the evening.  After I started this, the symptom was getting improved and eventually the pain was completely going away after a several week.   It was also really slow improvement.  Again, it is not very clear if this helps to improve the symptom.  May be the other treatment listed above also involved as well.  But I would say, it is worth to try it. 

 YouTube Video

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