
SDRplay RP1A ~ SDRuno



SDRuno is a software which is working with SDRplay and a PC will be a receiver.   The software can be download from a web site and it works on Windows.  I just tried this software on Windows 10 PC.  There are pre-configured setups for Amateur bands which are covered with SDRplay.   We can see entire each band in a single display to see if there is any signal in the band.   So we do not have to scan frequency to see if there is any station in a band.   This is pretty nice for me.


 Since this is just a receiver, I just using a copper wire in a room as a temporary antenna to check each amateur band.  I cannot receive really weak signals, but I still can see some activities.   Due to sun-spot number is really low now.  Higher HF bands are really quiet.  I cannot see much activities on 20m / 15m and 10m.   I still see some activities on 40m and 80m with the temporary antenna.

I guess if I have a better antenna out side of my house, then I could hear more stations.  Probably, I will set a better antenna some time soon.

Since the current antenna is not very good one, therefore I only hear very strong signals which are probably coming from somewhere not far.  Even though, I think there could not be so many station I expected.   When I did amateur radio, there are so many stations on 40m band.

Anyway, this is really nice device to listen amateur bands, what each band looks like. 

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