
Assessment of Full-Marathon Level 1 Training Plan ~ Using Lactate Threshold

Estimated Lactate Threshold last 12 months

The previous posting is looking into improvement of VO2max after the training menu.  Today, I am looking into Lactate Threshold estimated by Garmin fenix 3 HR.

Above plot is a trend of my estimated lactate threshold last 12 months.  This is very interesting result.  Garmin shows two parameters for the estimated lactate threshold.  One is a heart rate and the other is a pace.   This scale is not very good to show the changes.   However, what we can see is the heart rate (red line) is increasing even if I stopped training from April to June due to the injury.  On the other hand, it is decreasing after I started the  training plan in August.   I thought lactate threshold heart rate would be better if the heart rate is higher.   But the reaction of the number is not really matched with my training.  However, the heart rate value in August is 167 bpm and now (November) is 165 bpm.   Because of scale, the change looks big, but it is only 2 bpm between the two.   So I am not sure if this is really changes or it might be within error range.   But the trend is probably decreasing.

The other factor is a pace.  This trend is link to the training.  April is 5:31/km and August is 6:01/km.  Now (November) is 5:51/km.  The trend is a similar as VO2max.   So that it seems to  be the pace as a sort of a performance number.

Overall, I think the training menu helps to improve my running performance and the features in Garmin fenix 3 HR, which is estimating LT (Lactate Threshold) / VO2max is probably useful to see the improvement of the training.

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