
Planted Yuzu Tree

Yuzu Tree

   It was very hot day in my town.  The temperature was more than 90 degrees F in May.   It was really hot, but we did yard work with my son.   I got a lemon tree from my co-worker last Friday and to plant it was one of task this weekend.  In addition, we also wanted Yuzu tree. It is a citrus which is used in Japanese food especially new year.  So that we went a local nursery to get the tree and planted it as well.

   Every year, we want to use Yuze citrus for some of new year foods.  However it is not really easy to find out a local grocery store.   We usually go to a Japanese grocery store to get it.  However it is relatively expensive comparing a similar citrus like lime and the quality is not very well.  Therefore, we want to have a tree in our yard some day.  But there was not a chance to do it.  Previously, a friend gave us a few every year.  But they moved out to other state a few years ago and we bought the expensive one from the Japanese grocery store.

   We got Yuzu tree from the following nursery.  We got the last one in the nursery!

 Alden Lane Nursery (Livermore CA) 

   A person in the nursery was very nice and she gave us very detail instruction how we need to plant it. It might take a few years to get some from the tree.  But I cannot wait for getting Yuze from our yard!

We also planted  lemon trees

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