
I plan to develop an iPhone APP!!

New "iPhone"(from Verizon Wireless Web site)

New Project!

Unfortunately, I have been busy for events for kids and there is not many things I can post here.  I have not updated this site for a while....  I probably want to start something new.

One of news recently is Apple announced a new "iPhone" a couple weeks ago.  I just think I might want to develop "iPhone APP".   The goal is probably to develop an APP for pace management in hiking based on heart rate.  The reason is I got many feedback from readers that it is probably too complicate to try the concept.  One of idea is to develop an app for Garmin devices.   The problem is that a very few people own a Garmin devices.   I have been wondering if there might be a better way to introduce the idea.  I guess "iPhone APP" is one of possibility to introduce it.

No experience .....

However a big problem for me is that I do not have any experience to develop any iPhone APP.   Therefore, I might need to start with a simple APP to understand the process of the development.  So that I will try to show how I develop an APP from scratch!!   I will share the progress in this blog!

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