
Smart Hiking (9) ~ Target heart rate

What is the target HR?

Based on the past data from my hiking, it is possible to manage walking pace by heart rate.  However, the question is what heart rate would be a good target to manage the pace.   That was a big question when I apply this method to hiking.

It is slightly different from running.  Because many runner has a goal or target time for a specific distance.  So many people probably look for a pace to maximize the performance.  However, hiking is not competition and it does not have to be maximize someone's performance.  Probably 30 minutes difference might not be a big deal.  So I stared "try & error" approach.

Try & Error!

I started to pick an average HR during a running activities.   I think I mentioned this before.  A typical average during running activities, my average HR is somewhere around 160 bpm.  So I picked 160 bpm as a threshold to slow down the working pace.  Since I can continue to run with this HR up to 3 hours.  Therefore, I think I can walk to manage HR below 160 bpm.  The answer was, yes, I could do it.  But it was really tough.  It was probably possible to continue, but it was not easy.  I did not have much room to enjoy the hiking.

Then, the next year, I set the target as 155 bpm.  It was a little bit lower than I can maintain.  It was much easier than the previous year and I had some time to enjoy the hiking.  But it was getting harder in the end of a day.  So I found out it might be better to set a little more lower.  Then, I picked 150 bpm the next hiking.  It seems to be an optimized pace for hiking.  It was not really hard and not too easy.  Also, the total time which included the resting time was very similar as using 160bpm or 155bpm.   Slower pace helped to reduce the resting time and the total time to the same destination is almost the same.

This was how I found out my target heart rate for hiking.  It works well for me.  However, this number could change especially my age (around 50 years old).  The fitness level is probably getting worse year by year.  So I was looking for a better method.

(To be continue)

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