
Smart Hiking (7) ~ Pace and resting time

Total time from Trail Camp to the summit of Mt. Whitney

This is another interesting data from my experience.  This is break down for walking time (moving time) and resting time (time not to move).  Again, in 2012, I hiked there with a friend who did not have much hiking experience and I need to stop and wait the friend often.  Therefore the total time is taking more time.  In terms of walking pace, in 2011, it was fastest.  In 2014, it is probably moderate.  In 2015 and 2016 were slower than the other years.

Especially in 2015 and 2016, I tried to maintain the heart rate less than 145 bpm.  Then, I did not have to take a rest or stop so often.  Then the total time to the summit is much less than the other years.

This section is above 3,700m.  The summit is close to 4,500m.  Therefore even if just a little faster pace is a cause of increasing the heart rate.  To lower the heart rate, I needed to stop or slow down the pace.  If I can maintain the heart rate lower than 145 bpm.  I did not have to do that.

In 2011, I felt really exhausted.  However, in 2012, since the pace is so slow and I felt it was really easy.   I had a similar feeling in 2015 and 2016.  Probably around 140~145bpm is probably my optimized pace.   The pace in 2015 and 2016, I thought it was really slow.  But it was a right pace in the elevation.  However it might be a little difficult to maintain such slow pace without knowing the heart rate.  I probably tend to walk faster if I do not have such indication.

This is one of good example of pace management with heart rate in higher elevation.

(To be continue)

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