
Mt. Whitney Hiking 2017 (9) ~ Training using Garmin fenix 3 HR

VO2max value is recovering

   As I mentioned in a different topic, I got injured my right leg and I just resumed running about two weeks ago.  This is a training not only for a marathon, but also for hiking to Mt. Whitney as well.  Running is one of a good training to improve my aerobic performance for hiking.

   Due to the injury, I stopped running for a month and my VO2max value is down from 43 to 36 [ml/kg/min].  This drop is significant performance down.   After 2 weeks of running, the number is getting better and it is 39 [ml/kg/min].   The first 5 days, I only ran 2 miles, then increased to 3 miles and this week is about 4.5 miles.   The average pace is also getting improved.
   Since I just resumed running, I tried not to run fast.   I tried to stay "slow pace", but the course selection, I tried to include some hilly sections.  This will helps to train muscle for ascending.   I think this VO2max is one of good factor to monitor my training progress.  At least I can tell my training is on track to recover from the injury.

Lactate Threshold

   On the other hand, the lactate threshold is not improved like VO2max.   However, I tried not to run faster.  Therefore, once my body is adopted for the pace.  I might not reach a point fenix 3 HR cannot detect "lactate threshold"  because the pace is not fast enough to hit the threshold.   This is probably true.  Because right after resumed running, my heart rate jumped close to my maximum heart rate value.   However the heart rate is getting stable with the current slow running pace after 1 week.

  I will monitor those two factors as index of my training progress.


   Another factor, I do care now is resting.  Since I just resumed running and I am not young any more.   I try to take more rest day than usual to avoid another injury.   So my current training schedule is 2 day running and 1 day resting.   Then I try to increase total running time slowly.   I think this is a key to avoid injury, especially people who have not been training for a while.  My first goal is try to recover my VO2max to more than 40 [ml/kg/min] first.  Then I will resume more speed (threshold running) to improve my fitness performance.

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