
Knee pain update ~ About "a joint suppliment"

A joint supplement I am currently using

   This is another update about my knee pain that I posted a few times before.

 It's been for 2 mounts since I started taking a joint supplement.   I am doing a training plan on Garmin Connect "Full marathon level 2".   I got really bad pain on my left knee at the end of "Full marathon level 1" in the end of December last year.  Because of the pain, I took a rest for a few weeks and resumed my training with non-impact training in a gym such as "elliptical" and started taking a joint supplement twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

I believe it helps to reduce the pain....

   First of all, I am not intentionally advertising the joint supplement at all.   However I believe it helps my knee pain even if many article says it might not help for a knee pain in scientific point of view.   I searched about joint supplements on the internet and many article in scientific view point say they doubt to help the pain.   However based on my experience last a few months, I do not think just it helps mental.   There are some posts which is probably a part of advertisement, but it sounds like there are some cases it helps to reduce the pain.  

   Since it works for me, I will continue to take the joint supplement and continue the training.

To whom it may be interested in ....

   Here is my case and situation:
  • The location of my pain is lower part of my left knee
  • The pain could be reduced/improved with some exercise with low-impact to knee
  • Stretching thigh muscle helps to reduce the pain, I as doing the stretching my leg as well
  • It took more than 2 weeks to see some improvement after taking the supplement
  • I take one pill which is showed in the picture above in the morning / evening
   I still feel something unusual after high intensity of a training, however I think it is getting much better and getting as normal.  Currently I run 4 to 5 times a week, the pain is almost going away.
   It seems that a knee pain is a common symptom between runners.  The location of my pain is a lower part of knee and flexibility of thigh muscle might be one of a cause of the pain.   I also broke the left knee about 20 years ago and I am getting 50 years old and aging might be a part of contributors of the pain.
   This is my situation.  I really want to know what the other people's experience.   I really appreciate if anybody share his/her experience of a similar knee pain.   Please help to share your experience for me.

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