
Mt. Whitney Hiking 2017 (6) ~ processed the reservation

Visiting Taipei
   I am in Taiwan on business.   Now it is almost the end of April and close to the dead line for the lottery winners.  I also made a reservation for the winning date.  At least I have a permit with the date this year.  To process the reservation, USD $15 per person is charged.   I got a confirmation email right after the reservation.   It does not seem that there is any available dates except very early / late season.  So that the next key date will be May 1st.

   For winners, do not miss the dead line which is April 30.  They need to process the reservation of the permit before the dead line.  People who did not win the lottery, do not give up!   You might have a chance after May 1st.  All date which is not reserved by April 30 will be back to every body on the reservation site.  It is better to check the site often after May 1.


Garmin Forerunner 935 was announced on the web

   A several days ago, I checked Garmin US web site and I found a new model "Garmin Forerunner 935" was announced.   I am not really interested in the new model since I just got "Garmin Fenix 3 HR" late last year and I did not plan to get any new model any time soon.   However within a several months, fenix 5 was announced and it is available now and now Forerunner 935 is announced.   I am just interested in what's new.   The price is from USD $499.99 to 649.99.  The price difference is if heart rate monitor(s) are bundle or not.

   One of big improvements is a battery life.  For Forerunner 735XT is up to 14 hours in the GPS mode, now Forerunner 935 is up to 24 hours which is the same as Fenix 5 series.  It is a big pulse for hikers.  It is also longer than Fenix 3 HR which is up to 16 hours.   The water registrant is 5 ATM, on the other hand, Fenix series is 10 ATM.   However it is probably not a big deal for using not in water.  The price of Fenix 3 HR was adjusted to USD $549.99, however 935 is USD $50 lower, which is very attractive with some other new features.   I guess it would be one of good selection people who are thinking to buy a new GPS watches.

   It is usual facts that newer product introduce every several months.  It might be hard to decide when would be a good time to buy a new product.   One think I can tell is if people who use the previous generation of the products which does not have a feature to pair with a smart phone, I guess it is a good time to replace it to the current generation even if the current one is functional.  I am pretty happen to replace my old Forerunner 910XT to Fenix 3 HR.  I think it is very convenient especially with an embedded hard rate monitor.


Knee pain update ~ About "a joint suppliment"

A joint supplement I am currently using

   This is another update about my knee pain that I posted a few times before.

 It's been for 2 mounts since I started taking a joint supplement.   I am doing a training plan on Garmin Connect "Full marathon level 2".   I got really bad pain on my left knee at the end of "Full marathon level 1" in the end of December last year.  Because of the pain, I took a rest for a few weeks and resumed my training with non-impact training in a gym such as "elliptical" and started taking a joint supplement twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

I believe it helps to reduce the pain....

   First of all, I am not intentionally advertising the joint supplement at all.   However I believe it helps my knee pain even if many article says it might not help for a knee pain in scientific point of view.   I searched about joint supplements on the internet and many article in scientific view point say they doubt to help the pain.   However based on my experience last a few months, I do not think just it helps mental.   There are some posts which is probably a part of advertisement, but it sounds like there are some cases it helps to reduce the pain.  

   Since it works for me, I will continue to take the joint supplement and continue the training.

To whom it may be interested in ....

   Here is my case and situation:
  • The location of my pain is lower part of my left knee
  • The pain could be reduced/improved with some exercise with low-impact to knee
  • Stretching thigh muscle helps to reduce the pain, I as doing the stretching my leg as well
  • It took more than 2 weeks to see some improvement after taking the supplement
  • I take one pill which is showed in the picture above in the morning / evening
   I still feel something unusual after high intensity of a training, however I think it is getting much better and getting as normal.  Currently I run 4 to 5 times a week, the pain is almost going away.
   It seems that a knee pain is a common symptom between runners.  The location of my pain is a lower part of knee and flexibility of thigh muscle might be one of a cause of the pain.   I also broke the left knee about 20 years ago and I am getting 50 years old and aging might be a part of contributors of the pain.
   This is my situation.  I really want to know what the other people's experience.   I really appreciate if anybody share his/her experience of a similar knee pain.   Please help to share your experience for me.


Mt. Whitney Hiking 2017 (5) ~ Almost no date available on the reservation site

 Near Outpost camp on Mt. Whitney trail

 After April 1, people can start make reservation for the permit on the web site.   I think it started in the morning on April 1st.   Since the time I started checking the availability was late, I could not see much available dates except in May and October.   Now, as of April 3rd, I only saw very few dates in October.   It seems most of available dates are going away.

   The next important date would be May 1st.  All non-reserved date for the lottery winners will be put back in to the reservation site after that.  I think that would be a major chance to get a permit this year.

   I will keep positing what I see on the reservation site!


Kindle book for heart rate based pace management will start soon

   I just published a kindle book for heart rate based pace management in Japanese today.   I will also plan to publish an English edition within a few mounts.  I will start writing the English edition soon.  This book is sharing my experience in Mt. Whitney Hiking in the past several years.

   The idea is using running GPS watch with heart rate sensor to manage the pace.   Especially higher elevation like 14,000 feet Class Mountains, I believe it helps to minimize the impact of high altitude sickness.  I might need another few months to complete the English edition.

   I will post some progress in the future about this book!

Mt. Whitney Hiking 2017 (4) ~ All available dates are open to the public for reservation!


Reservation started on the itnernet!

   Now April 1 and all people can make reservation of Mt. Whitney trail permit on the internet.  Although I won the lottery in the end of September, I am looking for a better date some time in summer time.  I checked the reservation site today.  Based on the information on the internet, they will put all available slot in a several different times.

  Based on the result I checked a couple times today, the available slots are in May and October.  All other dates are fully reserved already.   It seems a better chance would be after May 1st.  After May 1st, all date that all lottery winners do not reserve their permit will be back into the reservation site.

   I guess people who did not win the lottery, they will still have a chance to get a date this year.  It is probably better not to give up for now.  Those people should check the site periodically next a several weeks!