
Brewing Japanese Sake 2017 (4) ~ filtered

After filtered

   It's been for 5 weeks for Japanese Sake brewing this winter.  The fermentation was settling down and I decided to filter it last weekend.
   For this filtering process, I usually gets many questions. It is not easy to do at home.   I tried a several ways before, however, the best way I think is using a metal mesh and precipitate the lees.  Then just take the clear portion as SAKE.  It is not easy to use closes to filter it because it is clogged.  Also a paper filter like dripping coffee, it will take too much time.   Some article for making "Doburoku" , which is easy version of brewing sake, says straining.  But I usually do not do it.  I just shake the metal mesh to filter it.
   This way it is not transparent at all right after filtered.  However within a several days, precipitating the lees at the bottom and it will be separate clear portion and the lees.  Then just taking the clear portion as SAKE and the rest will be used as "NIGORI SAKE", which is non-clear SAKE which is about quarter.

   The photo shows really yellow, however the real color is a similar as typical rice vinegar, a bit yellowish than a typical SAKE in the market.   The photo is about 2 days after filtered.


Glucosamine joint supplement might work some cases ....

It's been for a month.....

   As I posted a few weeks ago, I have been having some pain on my left knee after running since January this year.    I had a surgery about 20 years ago and I think I have some issue on my left knee.  However it has been getting worse recently.   There are so many supplements for joint pain.  However, many article says there is no scientific reason for those supplements on the internet.   However, there are some cases it seems to be working and I tried it anyway.

   As I mentioned in my previous post, I did not expect it would work.  However it works somehow in my case.   After another 2 weeks, I think it is getting much better now.   In the worst time, I was getting really bad pain with sore on the left knee while I just standing for a short time.   Now I do not have such bad symptom at all and almost no pain.   I have still some strange feeling after training, but I do not feel much now.   It is really getting improved.

   Since it is getting better,  I have not had a chance to see a doctor yet.   But I do not think I need to see a doctor in this situation.
   Therefore, I do not know the root cause of the pain and it is hard to conclude it is just for mental thing.   Based on the information on  the internet, it might not work in many cases.   However, it could work in my case somehow.   This is just personal feeling, it might be worth to try it.

   Glucosamine based joint supplement might works some time.......


Kindle publishing ~ Now MS-Word format is accepted!

  Last weekend was a long weekend in the US.   However, the weather was not good.  It was raining over the weekend.  So that I stayed at home and had working on another Kindle book about heart rate based pace management for hiking.
   I made a good progress and more than 90% draft had been done and upload the draft for review to the Kindle site.  I found out that the site supports MS-Word format (*.docx), other than HTML format.  Last year when I publish my first book, it needed to be HTML.  I think it is getting better for MS-Word users.
   The rest of work will be final review.   However, to publish the English edition, I have to translate to English.  I only have a draft in Japanese now.   It might take a few months to get English edition ready.


Knee pain ~ Joint supplement works?

Does it really work?

Get knee pain ....

   I have been running to keep my fitness regular basis.  However, I sometimes get knee pain last a few years.  I guess it is because of age and a surgery about 20 years ago.   I met an avalanche in a mountain and air lifted in December 1999.  Due to the accident my left knee was broken and got a surgery with artificial born.   It's been about 20 years, I guess it might be one of the reason of the pain.

   I also saw a doctor a several times, however, no obvious reason was found in the past.   On the other hand, I had some injury especially shin-sprint and stress fracture on my left leg and I have to stop training often.   My muscle strength might be getting weaker.  I guess they might be a part of reasons I am getting the knee pain last several years.

The pain is usually gone when I take a rest.....

   Most of time till last year, the pain was going away as long as I stop running for a few days and I did not see much problem.  However, the pain happened this January, the pain was worse and it tool longer to be back to normal.   So I started worry about the pain.

The Pain

   The pain is around lower part of knee.  Based on my research, the pain might be a lack of flexibility.  So that I spent more time for stretching before / after training.  However, it did not help so much.
    The knee is sore and I felt really sharp pain.   When I took pain killer, it was improved.  However it is not a treatment to avoid the pain and I had to stop training often.   On the other hand, some light training such as station bike / Elliptical, it was usually getting better.  I just carefully watch what it goes.

Trying a joint supplement.....

   Last 2 weeks, I try a joint supplement.   I recognize that many articles indicates that the effectiveness is questionable.   The primary ingredients are glucosamine and chondroitin.  There is no clear scientific prove, especially through mouth.  On the other hand, advertisement  from many distributors / vendor of those supplement shows many good things about the product.

   As I recognize those facts, I have been trying a supplement since there is almost no side effect.  It's been for 2 weeks, it seems that the pain is getting improved.   I am not really sure if it is due to the suppliment or placebo.... The fact is the pain is obviously getting better with almost regular running on treadmill instead of running on paved roads.

 Anyway, my left knee is getting something not right.  I will see a doctor soon anyway.  However, I want to get some feedback from readers who had some experience or opinion.
   What do you think??


Mt Whitney Guide (Kindle book) ~ after published the book ...

Picture for the cover

   I publish the first Kindle book last year.  I have been writing another book now.
   Today,  I would like to share after the publishing the book.
   First of all, I think many people more than I expected read the book.
   People can check the status about the sales and downloading on Kindle Direct Publishing web site.  As long as people set up electric transfer to a bank account, people get the money even if it is a small amount.  It is better for people who wants to get some small money by the book.   It is different from Google Adsense which is requires to reach USD $100 to get the money.

   Taking about my book, there are much less people to buy the book.  The majority of readers are using Kindle unlimited to download it by free.  I think this probably make more sense since I am not a famous author.   Especially, my English skill still needs to be improved as a professional writer.  But if it is free, some people try to ready my book.  I really appreciate for those readers who read my book.

   I keep posting articles to introduce useful information based on my experience.  I also try to re-organize them into a kindle book.  The one which is on-going now is about heart rate based pace management for hiking.  I posted many articles in the past about this topic.  I think Japanese edition will be ready soon and I believe I can publish English edition a few months after.  If you are interested in the topic, please read it and get the idea!

    The first book I am talking about is a guide book for Mt. Whitney hiking.  Now, it is a time people to file the application for Mt. Whitney lottery this year.   I guess it is probably a good information for people who plan to visit there this year. 

Mt. Whitney Hiking Guide “Hiking the highest mountain in California”
·         Go to Amazon.com
(Or you may go to your local Amazon site and search “ASIN: B01IFSFBV6”)


Brewing Japanese Sake 2017 (3) ~ First Tasting is very good

  This is a progress report for brewing Japanese sake this winter.
  It's been 4 weeks since I started.  I think this winter is relatively colder than the past a few years and the brewing is making a good progress now.   The past a few days, it is getting nice smell and I tried the first tasting last weekend.

   The primary difference between this year and past a few years, special rice which is milled up to 60% for brewing sake and raw "Koji" are used for this brewing.  The smell is very similar as the past brewing.  However, the taste is very good.  It is really "Ginjo" level quality.  The taste is very clear and it is very similar as expensive sake in the market.  It is really tasty and I am really happy the result.

Fermentation is still in progress

   The fermentation is still in progress and it will take some extra time to filter it.   As of today, it is very good result.   Since this time parameters, which are "rice" and "KOJI", I am not sure which one would contribute the good result more.  Just my feeling, it would be because of rice.  The difference is very small, however, it might be a big factor for the taste.

(To be continue ...)


Started filing 2017 Mt. Whitney Lottery application

Trail Camp from 99-switch-back
February now!

   It is already February this year.   As usual, it is started to file an application for Mt. Whitney Lottery this year today.  It will be open until midnight on March 15 (EST/USA).  The result will be notified by March 24.   People can put up to 15 trips in an application and USD $15 application fee per person in the application.

   After the lottery, all available space will be ready for reservation after April 1 on line.  All people who win the lottery must complete the reservation by April 30 with USD $15 reservation fee per person.   If people did not complete the reservation by the dead line, the slot will be lost and it will be back for the on-line reservation after May 1.   It is almost the same process for last a couple years.

   It is typically very crowded in weekends in summer time and major holidays.  It might be hard to win the lottery for those dates.  However, the probability for weekdays could be higher.  If people plan to hike there, I guess it might be a good idea to file an application.   I also plan to file it this year as usual.

For detail, you can visit Inyo National Forest Web site