
Vegetable spaghetti

Vegetable Spaghetti

Vegetable spaghetti

Ingredients (for 4~6 serves)
  • Onion 1 (200g / 0.44 lib)
  • Tomato 4~5 (500g / 1.1 lib) 
  • Garlic 2~3 pices
  • Salt (1 Table spoon)
  • Olive oil (4 Table spoon)
  •  Black pepper (a little)
  • Onion and Tomatoes are finely chopped like a small dice
  • Put olive oil to a fly pan
  • Crash garlic with a crasher and put it into the fly pan
  • Stair fly garlic first for a few minutes
  • Put chopped tomato and onion with salt
  • Continue to stair flay for 15~20 minutes, till becoming a source
  • boil spaghetti based on its instruction, typically it takes around 7~12 minutes
  • Put boiled spaghetti to the fly pan
This is only vegetables, but it is really tasty.   It is also good to put some seafood, but I would recommend to try without seafood first.   It is simple and tasty. 


Introducing mountains in Japan (5) Chokai-san (Mt. Chokai)

Good for back-country skiing

Chokai-san (Mt. Chokai)
Location of Chokai-san

Chokai-san is located northern part of Japan, facing Japan sea.  In summer time, it is about 6~9 hours driving from Tokyo.  It is about 500+km from Tokyo.  So that it is not close to visit this mountain from Tokyo.   However, I like this mountain very much.   The primary reason is back-country skiing.  Due to so much snow during winter, this mountain is good for back-country skiing till late spring / early summer.  In May, there is typically a lot of snow and there are many back-country ski routes.

One of good course is from Chokai Blue line, where is west side of the mountain.  There is a lodge around highest elevation point of the road and people can park their car in a small parking lot.  Then climb up to the top.   It may take a several hours from the parking.   The top picture was taken on the way  to the top.  This is long and nice view to Japan Sea.

The other nice course is from the north side.   Harai-gawa is the trail head and there is a small lodge at the trail head as well.   There are a few parking lot near the lodge and people can reach to the top around a several hours as well.  But I guess from the north side, it could be a bit short than the west side approach.   Around the parking lot, it could be a good place to spend over night with camping.  However, the elevation is high and it could be cold during night.

The other option for the over night in this area could be the entrance of Chokai blue line.  This place is not high elevation and close to ocean.   It is possible to put a tent next the car in a parking lot.  The parking lot has a public restrooms.  In high season of back-country skiing, it is around April ~ June, there might be some people who are camping on the parking lot.

Hot springs

There are many hot-springs in this area.   After skiing, people can stop by one of hot-springs to enjoy nice Japanese culture over there.   There is a big one people can stop by near Yusa, where is close to Chokai blue line entrance and another one in Yajima, where is close to Hari-gawa side trail head.

To get some food, there is glossary store in Sakata-shi.   Along Route-8, you can find many shop and restaurants.

Summer time

I have not been there in summer time.  However, I can tell this mountain is also good for summer hiking as well.   There are many kinds of wild flowers in this area.   Also, people can try the same trail in summer time as well.  Since the mountain is very close to ocean, the view is very nice.

This mountain is really far from Tokyo area and it is not easy to access for foreign people.   However, the mountain is great and nice hot springs.   If you have a chance and enough time to spend over there, this could be one of great mountain to try in Japan!

Plastic boots

Plastic boots
they were broken last mounts after more than 20 years usage

Plastic Boots

When I actively went to mountains about 15 ~ 20 years ago, plastic boots are really popular for climbing on snow / ice.   Many people liked the benefit, like better water proof, better insulation, than a traditional leather boots.   The maintenance is also easy.

However around year 2000s, some people reported that older boots got suddenly broken.  It is nature of the plastic material.  So that many article worn to use older boots for mountain climbing.

My boots

I used to have a pair of mountaineering boots and a pair of back-country ski boots.  Due to an injury of a mountain accident, I had not had a chance to use the mountaineering boots and I gave them to a friend.   However, I kept the back country ski boots and kept using it a few times a year.  It's been more than 20 years.  I did not have any problem at all.

However, I went skiing last mounts.  I brought my old boots there and it looked all right.  I just put my feet into them and did not tighten the buckles.  I walked to the piste and try to tighten them when I started skiing.   When I tighten a buckle, the plastic part of a buckle was cut.  then cracking many portion and it was finally broken.    I do not complain this, but I think it is not very good if boots are broken in mountain.  In my case, this happened in a ski resort.  So that I can rent another boots from the shop or I just need to stop skiing.   But if it is in a mountain, even if the boots are broken, I need to walk back.  It is not easy to walk on snow with broken boots.  

Need to be careful to use plastic boots in back-country / mountains

It's been for a while, people are talking about a risk of plastic boots.   I recognized it and I tried to check it before use.   However, it looked all right and hard to tell it was going to be broken.

Nowadays, mountaineering boots is getting back to leather boots with Gore-Tex laminate.   I was looking for plastic boots for my spring activity.  But I could not find them any more.  So for mountaineering boots, I have a less concern.   People needs to use non-plastic boots.

Regular ski boots are usually used in a ski resort, so that this is also less concern.

For back-country ski boots, they are still plastic and people pay more attention of their boots.
I do not know how long people can use it.   In may case, I bought them around late 90's.  Since then I had been using them and there was no problem except last months.  Based on my experience, it is hard to tell if there is a problem or not.

I do not have a good solution / suggestion for this problem.  But I want to share this to other people.
It is hard to tell, but people need to be aware this.   It is hard to carry spare boots, only thing we could do would be carrying some repair kits to minimize risk.


Lassen Volcanic National Park ~ Where can we stay / eat?

Visitor Center at South entrance

Where can we stay when we visit the park?

Lassen Volcanic National park is located northern California.  From San Francisco bay area, it is about a several hours driving.   It is possible to do a day trip.  It might be easy to stay over night over there.   There are a couple options where we stay.

One is camping.   It is not too bad.  I guess most of time, it is not so cold in this season of a year.  However, it is better to have some experience camping on snow.   Some people just using RV car to stay.   A good thing for camping is staying in the park.   People can use their time efficiently.  It could be a bit hard if people have young kids or babies.

The other option could be staying hotel / motel.  The closest town near the south entrance could be Chester or Red Bluff.  We usually stay Chester since the town is closer to the park than Red Bluff.  Only problem is not many restaurants in the town.   We were told that the choice could be Chinese, Mexican, pizza, a stake house.   Last year, we went to a Mexican restaurant and it was not too bad.  Since a receptionist mentioned a Mexican, we thought it was the same one we went last year.  So that we went there, but the restaurant was closed.   It was another restaurant.   That restaurant was also OK.

Here is the one we went this time.   Mi Casita Restaurant
Here is a motel we stayed Best Western Rose Quartz Inn
There are some vacation houses.  I have not tried them.  But some people mentioned that they stay in a vacation rental house.

Lunch in the park

If the visitor center is open, there is a small cafe inside.  However, it was closed this time.  Other than the cafe, there is no place to get food in the park in this season.   We usually prepare lunch when we visit the park this season.   With some camping equipment, we can cook "warm food" and it would be better in a cold weather.

It is important that we need well prepared when we visit there this time of the season.  It is not like summer time.  I just want to remind this!


Lassen Volcanic National Park ~ 2014 Spring Much less snow this year

There is still much snow, but much less than regular years

As I mentioned, we went to Lassen Volcanic National Park.  It was nice weather this weekend and we enjoyed on a snow field.

Much Less snow than regular years

Due to much less snow this winter, snow in the park was much less than regular years.   I felt like it was May.   In a regular year, we made a nice size of a snow cave.  However, this year, snow over there could be only 1~2m (3~6 feet) that was not enough to make a snow cave.   So that we tried to make an igloo instead.


We put snow blocks too high and we could not close ceiling.  But kids liked it very much.  After that they dug a tunnel to reach inside of it.  

Entrance of the tunnel

Kids also enjoyed snow threading on a sloop. 

There was still much snow, but I felt like it was May

The weather was warm and we did not need a jackets.  We did not feel cold at all.  Actually we were sweating when we dug snow, climbing up for snow threading.

  CA-89, snow removing has not been started

Last year, snow removing was started when we visited there in the last weekend in March.  This year was a week earlier, however, it has not been started yet.   Actually, the visitor center was closed till the end of March.   I think it is due to the budget cutting by the government.

Around the visitor center, there is usually snow walls around the building.  However, this year, there was no snow walls around there.

The Visitor Center
Usually, we could not see the building from this location due to more snow!

Anyway, we enjoyed this weekend with our friends and had a really nice time over there.
Even if there was not much snow this year, it was still nice to play with snow.  Kids like this very much.   If you have a chance, I recommend to visit there in this time of the year.


Plan to go to Lassen Volcanic National Park this weekend!

Outdoor activity on a snow field!
One year anniversary of this blog!

It's been for almost 1 year!  Last year, I posted a report for our Lassen trip as the first article.  It is not really easy to write something in English, but I am trying to post more.

Annual Event!
As an annual event, our family visit Lassen Volcanic National Park in spring break.  Almost all Saturdays except summer vacation time, we sent our kids to a Japanese school.  Therefore, it is not easy to go overnight trip. 

Lassen Volcanic National Park

Lassen Volcanic National Park is located northern California.  In summer season, many people visit the park to see different type of Volcano in the park.  People can do hiking, camping and etc.  It is probably busy in high season.  However, there is much snow in winter time and not many people visit this park.   So that even we stay a motel in one of  towns near by, it is very easy to get it.

In winter time, a CA-89 that across the park from north to south is closed.  So that, most of people are probably stay near entrance and playing with snow.   In winter time, it is really cold and it might be heard to stay out side for most of people.   The temperature could be below 20F, without moving around, it might be too cold.  However, in early spring around March, it is getting warm and people can stay out side and enjoy playing with snow.   I guess March could be a good season to visit the park.

Activity could be making (digging) a snow cave and  building igloo are really fun.  Kids love to do them!  You probably need to bring snow-saw and snow shovel.  Also, snow threading is also fun.  If you are interested in back country skiing, Lassen is a great area for back country skiing.   Probably snow-shoeing is also fun.  Since my kids is not old enough to do back country skiing.  We typically do making snow cave / igloo and snow threading.  
Then we do picnic on snow and cook some warm food.  I guess if the kids are getting older, we may be able to try to do coming on snow some day.

Lassen this winter

This winter, we did not get much rain / snow till a month ago.   As you probably know, most of ski resorts only have some snow with snow machines.  The mountain was brown / black even in January and February.   We planed to be there a few times this winter, but due to lack of snow, we gave up.
After mid February, we got a few storm and finally we got some snow over there.
This weekend could be good!  There will be no snow on the road and suppose to be good weather this weekend.
Skiing is fun, but a ski resort is typically crowded and noisy.  However, Lassen is very nice and quiet.  Just playing with snow is completely different experience for kids as well.  Also the cost is much less than skiing in a ski resort as well.

I really recommend to try Lassen Volcanic National Park some time in spring.

From San Francisco, it is about 4~5 hours driving.  It is not so far.   I would look for seeing you some day!


Introducing mountains in Japan (4) ~ Tone-gawa (Tone River)

The river starts here
Unique climbing style in Japan

There is an unique climbing style, called "Sawa nobori", in Japan.   "Sawa nobori" (Japanese) is a style to climb through water stream.   This is one of popular way to climb a mountain in summer time in Japan.   (In a winter time, it could be an ice climbing.)

It is a sort of variation route climbing.  Since mountains in Japan are not really high elevation, most of mountain in Japan are less than 2000m that is typically lower than tree line.  This means there are many trees, plants in a mountain.   It is hard to have trails in the mountains, it is hard to make it and maintain it.   One of easy way is climbing through water stream, since there is less trees and plants near water stream.    On the other hand, there could be some hard portion to going through water stream, such as falls, narrow portion with steep walls on the both side.   Those could be attractive for many climbers and climbers enjoy to climb through the water stream as a variation climbing.  Especially, it is really hot weather in summer time, climbing through water line is some time better than walking on a regular trail.

Depending on a route, ropes and rock climbing skill could be required to do this type of climbing.

Tone-gawa (Tone river)

Tone-gawa (Tone river) is the second longest river in Japan.  It starts in a border of Gunma-ken and Nigata-ken, then it is going through near Tokyo area to Pacific ocean.   In a mountain region of this river is one of famous water stream climbing route in Japan.

There are some big dams for electronic power generation.  They make harder to approach this river for climbing.  A road along a dam that was used for building a dam is not maintained well and the trail is getting not clear nowadays.   So that many climbers are using boat to approach to upper part of this river for climbing.

Since the approach is not easy and not many people visit there.  Therefore the nature of the upper part of this river is really beautiful and quiet.   It is easy to catch fish from the river during the climbing.

 Ohtone fall

Water fall climbing

 There are some water falls in this water stream and climbers need to do rock climbing for those water falls.   Some time the climbing line could be very close to the water stream or in the water stream, it is some time hard, but it is also really fun!
In this river, there is not really big walls, the biggest one is could be around 25~30m.

A snow bridge in Oikkui

 Snow bridges

This river is located in a region where is getting a lot of snow in winter.  Even if in summer time, there is still much snow on the river and it is getting like a snow bridge over the stream.   How climbers go through the snow bridge is one of key to climb through the water line.  Some time people climb on top of the bridge and some time people go through under the bridge.  The risk is a bridge could break any time in summer time.  Once it is breaking, it is really danger situation.

 Entrance of Oikkui

 Oikkui -- one of hardest part of the river

Oikkui is one of hardest part of this river, there is very steep wall with grass.   Then the stream is narrow and deep.   If people do detour, it will be really hard and time consuming.   Then on the stream, there are many snow bridges sometime, then make harder to go through the water line.  So that this part is a key of this climbing route.

A year we went there was not much snow and the condition of snow bridges are not too bad.  Therefore, we could go through the water line with swimming.  However, the water was really cold even if it was in August.

Narrowest part of the river
(Tonegawa hitomatagi)

Narrowest part of the river

There is one portion where people can stride across the water stream.  It is call "Tonegawa hitomatagi".   This is the only part a human can stride across over the stream.

Other than this river, there are many river / water stream people can climb.   Especially rivers in a region where is getting much snow winter time is typically beautiful.   Since the snow cleans the surface of rocks around the stream.   Then the cold water make us forget climbing in summer time.  This type of climbing requires more experience and skill sets such as route finding and rock climbing skill.   However, people can see many nice / different thing than a typical trail hiking.

If people have enough time and have such skill set, I would really recommend to try to climb through a water line.    Mt. Tanigawa area is one of good area people can climb water stream.

Tonegawa may take 3~4days climbing, but in Mt. Tanigawa area, there are may water stream people can do a day climbing.


Introducing mountains in Japan (3) ~ Oze

Back country skiing in Oze
The mountain on the left is Hiuchigatake

Oze is not a mountain name, it is a region between Gunma-ken and Fukushima-ken in Japan.  The name is a part of Japanese traditional song and I guess most of Japanese people could heard the name.
The area has some famous mountains like Hiuchigatake, Mt. Shibutsu and etc.   The both mountains are listed in 100 mountains in Japan.

Oze is famous for a hiking in  a marsh.  Except winter, there are many wild flowers and beautiful view along a creak and a marsh.   Starting from some time around April / May, many people start visiting there for hiking.   In the area, there are a few lodges where people can stay over night.

In winter, people needs to do long approach to visit.   It is almost a whole day to approach there from Tokura.   Also, there is a lot of snow in winter time.  The amount of snow in the winter would be a several meters and it is not easy to visit there.   In spring, the area becomes nice back country skiing.  I really like back country skiing and visited there so many times in February and March.

Due to many snow, many time we made a snow cave to stay instead of tent.   Then climbing up to Mt. Shibutsu.  The picture above is a downhill from the top of Mt. Shibutsu.  The big flat area is Ozegahara, a marsh.   In summer time, there are hiking trails across the marsh.

Oze is not really far from Tokyo.  However, the access from a train station is not really convenient.  From JR Numata station, people might need to take a bus or taxi to visit there.   After May to October would be a good season for most of people, especially from a foreign countries.
If people wants to visit there in winter time, people needs to collect more information and well prepared.


100 mountains in Japan ~a list of good mountains

One of Japanese culture

Japanese people really likes to pick a few or many items from a area of interest something like top three something, then many people try to follow those selection as a sort of accomplishment.

100 mountains in Japan

In a hiking world, there is a famous mountain selection by a person called "100 mountains in Japan".  The person select the mountains is Kyuya Fukada, an essayist in Japan.  He visited many mountains and based on his point of view, he picked top 100 mountains in Japan.

According to Wikipedia, although the Wikipedia article is in Japanese, he publish an essay about the 100 mountains in 1964.  After that many people try to visit all 100 mountains and this is one of famous achievement as a hiker.     

The mountains are located all over Japan and this is a good goal to visit many areas in Japan.  So that this is not only hiking, but also a good thing to visit many different region in Japan.  The selection includes a famous Mt. Fuji.

My personal opinion

I am not sure if they are "famous 100" or "top 100".  This is really his selection and different people think different opinion.  Therefore, I did not translate it as "famous" or "top".   However, I also agree they are nice good mountains in Japan.   Many of selections are really famous and a sort of a symbol in a region.   Because of they may be popular in the region, many of them could be easy to access as well.  But some of them, it might be hard to approach and people may take a few days to reach the top.   So to hike all of them is not really easy task.

The reason I am writing this blog in English is trying to introduce Japan or some Japanese culture is one of my goal.   Because many information about Japan is still in Japanese.  So if people plan to do a hiking when they visit Japan, I would like to help to provide some information to them.

I thing this selection could be a good starting point to select the one.   As I mentioned above, some of them might not be a good choice for foreign people due to access to some mountains.   But many of them are really famous and relatively easy to access.   Also, it is easy to find out a guide book or information in the internet since many people visit there and post some report and articles.

In a past days, I wrote about Mt. Tanigawa and Mt. Tsurugi, the both of them are listed in his selection as well.   I will continue to introduce mountains in Japan based on my experience!!  However I just started and it may take some time to accumulate the information.  That is why I am writing about the 100 selection today.

I guess people can find some information to search in the internet with "100 mountains", "famous 100 mountains" something like that.

I hope many people visit Japan and hike some of mountains and hot spring.   That may be different from mountains in your country.  


Introducing mountains in Japan (2) ~ Mt. Tsurugi

Yatsumina in May

Mt. Tsurugi

Mt. Tsurugi is located in Toyama-ken where is about a several hours from Tokyo by train or car.
The access to the mountain is not really convenient from Tokyo area.  However, this is one of mountains I really like.  I climbed there many times when I was in Japan in different seasons.

There are some trail a regular people can climb to the top.   However, it might be harder than the other regular trails.  There are some section people needs to use ladders, some easy rock climbing with fixed chains and etc.   Also many climbers try many rock climbing routes.

In winter, Mt. Tsurugi is getting  a lot of snow.  The area is one of areas where getting a lot of snow in winter.  Like Mt. Tanigawa I introduced, the mountain could get a few meters snow in a night.  Due to the snow, in winter,  hiking / climbing based in summer time are closed in winter and people needs to take a long approach to the mountain.   Typically, it takes more than 1 day to get into the mountain.  If people who want to climb this mountain in winter time may take more than 1 week just climbed to the top.

Kurobe-Tateyama Alpain route 

For climbers, this is really nice area / mountain to enjoy various climbing.  (To climb in winter time, all parties needs to send the plan in advance.   This is enforced by local law. )

On the other hand, there is a famous sightseeing spot to look at mountains around Mt. Tsurugi.   One sightseeing line from Toyama-shi to Ohmachi-shi in Nagano called Kurobe-Tateyama Alpain route.  This line is combination of a bus, a cable car, trollory bus and rope way to across the mountain area.  The view is really nice and it is worth to visit to see mountains in the area.

To access to Toyama, people can take a train from Tokyo or Osaka and take a bus or taxi to the alpain route.   Also a air line is available from Tokyo (Haneda) to Toayama as well.  If people does not have time, it might be a good idea to take air plane.

To access to Ohmachi, people can take a train from Shinjuku where is a part of central Tokyo.  It may takes a few hours to get to Ohmachi station.  

Season to visit there

Winter time is closed and no service.   In spring, you can see a lot of snow in the middle section of the route.  The height of the both side of bus road near "Murodo" is much higher than a high deck bus.   In summer, you can see a lot of wild flowers.  In autumn, changing color on leaves is really beautiful.

This is one of good spots you can see nice mountains and nature in Japan.


Introducing mountains in Japan (1) Mt. Tanigawa

Yuno-sawa, One of major walls in Japan

Introducing mountains in Japan

Today, I introduce a mountain near Tokyo / Japan, Mt. Tanigawa in Gunma.   Some reason Japanese people like to pick some major in a category, some thing like a major wall in Japan.  Mt. Tanigawa is one of major rock wall in Japan and many climbers enjoy rock climbing over there.

Mt. Tanigawa (Tanigawa-dake in Japanese)

According to Wikipedia, 781 people dead since 1913 as of 2005.  In the Guinness book, Mt. Tanigawa is the worst mountain to take people's life.  People believes the weather is unstable, the rock is also unstable for climbing.  In addition, the mountain is close to Tokyo area and people can go there within  2~3 hours by train / car.  The approach is also short.

The another fact is the mountain is typically getting a lot of snow in winter.   One of ski resort called Tenjin-daira is one of first ski resort in the early winter / late autumn.   In a winter, it gets more than 1~2m (3~6 feet) of snow in a day.  So that, climbing Mt. Tanigawa in a winter is not easy.


Other than climbing, Mt. Tanigawa is a good sightseeing spot in this area.   Ichinokura-sawa is one of most famous rock wall non climber can go there very close to the wall without a lot of effort.  Nowadays to protect the nature in the area, the car access is limited or controlled, but within 1~2 hours walking people can see the big wall without any special skill.  In old days, people can access to the area by car and many people look at the wall and take a pictures with the wall.

Also, there is a few hiking trail to reach the top of mountains.   The total elevation from the closest train station is about 1000m and regular people may take a several house to reach the top.  The easiest trail is from the ski resort name Tenjindaira.  People can take a rope way to the ski resort and around 3~4 hours, people can reach the top of the mountain.


To climb the major wall in Ichinokura-sawa, Yuno-sawa, Machiga-sawa and around Hitsugo-sawa area, a special permission is required due to many accident in the areas in the past. The application needs to be send by mail 10 days before the climbing expect a member of designated climbing organization.  Most of people who is from out side of Japan cannot be this category.
The application must be mailed, there is no on-line form at this moment.

There are so many rock climbing lines in the areas and depending on climber's skill, people can enjoy the climbing except winter.  Winter climbing is not recommended, but some people try winter climbing own their risk.

The rock is not really stable compare with in the other countries such as Yosemite.   Falling rocks almost all area including caused by climbers.

Climbing in Winter

Winter climbing is not easy this mountain due to the mountain is located an area where is getting much snow, especially January ~ March.   In March, depending on the weather, people may nice snow climbing / hiking with stable weather.  But the weather is getting into bad, it is back to winter condition.

In spring, many back country skiers also try back country skiing in this area.  But people need to be very careful to avoid avalanche.


Near Mt. Tanigawa, there are some hot-springs and many people take a rest and relax after the climbing and hiking.

Hot to get there

If people can drive a car, it might be easiest way to get there.  If people are visiting Japan from the other countries and it is hard to drive a car.  Then, taking a train would be a good way.  People can take "Joetsu Shinkan-sen (a ballet train)" from Tokyo and get off at Jomo-Kogen station.  It takes less than 2 hours from Tokyo.  Then take a taxi.  You can ask a driver to Mt. Tanigawa or Doai that is a closest local train station.

When would be a good season to visit

People can visit there any season.   To climb / hike into the mountain, the winter time might not be a very good idea for most of people.  But the other season, people can see different view for each season.   For myself, I like autumn season very much since leaves are changing color to yellow, red, orange....  It is getting very beautiful view.   I really recommend to be there just looking at the view in autumn if you have a chance.

I will continue to  introduce other mountains in Japan


Mexican Restaurant in Alviso CA / USA

Rail road in Alviso
Group Lunch

We went out lunch to a Mexican restaurant, Maria Elena's in Alviso in San Francisco bay area.
Currently, a design team is visiting San Francisco bay area for a system bring up and we took them to the restaurant as a regular group lunch today.


Alviso is a small residential area near San Jose / Milpitas next to San Francisco bay.  It is a little far from business area, but there are a few restaurant in this area.

Maria Elena's is one of them.   This restaurant is very popular in lunch time and many people are waiting outside of the restaurant in lunch time.   I went there with colleagues more than ten years ago.  The restaurant is still running the business over there.

I guess many Mexican restaurants belong to a big group like Chevy's in this area.  But this is one of my favorite independent restaurants in the bay area.   Most of time, I went there for lunch and the lunch menu has many combination menus around US$10.  They also has a la carte, so that people have many choices in a reasonable price.  I guess it is worth to try it!  

Taking a walk after lunch!

After lunch, we took a walk around the area.   There is a park and some trails from Alviso along San Francisco bay.   It is a good place to take a work and relax!

I do not know the flower name, but it was beautiful!

It was a little windy since the trail is right next to the bay.  However, the view from there was really beautiful, the sky is really clear and we saw Mission Peak, Dumbarton bridge.  Due to less rain this winter, the water line is lower than a regular years.

I think this is a nice area and a restaurant, maybe try them in the weekend!!


Garmin Training Plan (2)

Last year I mentioned about Garmin Training Plan.  Here is some update based on my experience.

My situation

In my case, I got stress fracture on my left leg.  After the injury, I did not run or any training that impacts to my leg at all.  Therefore, my leg was getting weaker than before.   I picked a plan for full-marathon, but it seemed to be too much after the injury.   I got another injury, which was plantar fasciitis, after a few months of training for full marathon.

I was not ready to take full marathon plan.

Other similar cases

Many people who used to run when they were young.   However, if they have not run for a long time, they could not be ready to take full marathon plan, either.

It is not clearly indicates any notes, but I think it assume that people who take the plan need to have some level of running experience.   So that if people are not ready to take the plan, they will also get some injury during the plan.

I would think they need to start something less distance first and stepping up to the next level.

My near term plan

Due to another injury, I am not running on a road or treadmill in a gym.  Because they are cause of some impact to my legs.   A doctor suggest me not to do any training that impacts to legs.
So that I am only doing elliptical and stationary bike for a while.   Now, my left foot is getting better.  I only feel some pain when I get out from a bed in the morning.

After the pain is completely gone, I would start with 5km plan and step-by-step to increase the target distance.

I think many people who just resume running or first time to try long distance running.  I would recommend starting with shorter distance first.   It may not be a good idea to try full marathon menu.
I guess most of first time runners might not try full marathon for the first time.  However who had some experience to complete full marathon before might want to try full marathon after resume running.   They might need to be more careful to take such long distance plan in the beginning.

The situation could be vary and some people might be OK to start with full marathon plan.  Even starting with 5km plan, some people may get injury and they might start with walking or something easier menu.   People may need to understand where they are.