
Tip to get Mt. Whitney permit! ~ Avoid Mt. Whitney Trail!

The highest mountain in California!

Getting harder to get the permit

A permit is required to get into the area around Mt. Whitney to protect nature in the area.
They control people who are in the area a day!

As I mentioned in this blog many times, there is a process to get the permit every year!
It starts Mt. Whitney lottery.  It opens between Feb and mid March to file the application.
The result will be notified by April and the winner needs to complete the reservation by the end of April.

It is very difficult to get a permit in high season like July to September, especially during weekend.
I had not won any date last a several years.  However I got a reservation after April 1st / May 1st in the past years where the winner had not completed the reservation.

Even though it is getting harder, I keep checking the reservation site, but I could not see any open dates between July and September for overnight permit.  There are some for day use permits.

Is there any other way?

I guess many people want to go hiking over there!

There are a couple way people may get the permit:

The first one is to expect cancellation to get the permit at the visitor center in Lone Pine.
It might be still hard to get the one during summer time.  However, there is a little possibility to get it at the visitor center.

Second, to avoid the most popular route which is Mt. Whitney Trail. 
One of example is climb through north folk.  There is some easy rock-climbing sections and it requires some rock-climbing skill.  However it could be more chance to get the permit if you can avoid Mt. Whitney Trail.

The last one is to enter Mt. Whitney Zone other than Mt. Whitney Trail.
It is getting much easier than via Mt. Whitney Trail.
As you plan well, you could get the permit outside of Mt. Whitney Lottery.
Also, there is much higher chance to get the permit at the visitor center.
Many people tried this scheme to hike Mt. Whitney.

Based on an advice from a person, I got a permit this summer from Cottenwood Pass and hike to Mt. Whitney from the west side.  It will be a little longer hike than Mt. Whitney Trail, but it is probably the easiest way to get the permit.

Would you like to try it if you do not have permit this summer?
It is not too late!

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