
Brewing Japanese-SAKE Winter 2017/2017 (2) ~ plan to start brewing soon

   Now, it is already mid-December, it is really getting cold in northern California.   It is a time to start brewing Japanese-sake this winter.  I already placed an order for the material.
   As I mentioned in previous posts, I published a Kindle book to share my brewing experience in Japanese, unfortunately, I do not have English edition at this moment.  Although I have a couple items I want to try to see if there is any other improvement or not, I decides I will just try to do the same process / recipe this year to make sure the process / recipe is repeatable.   The reason is one of major items I want to try is how I can process the rice.   As you probably know, I am using a regular rice cooker to process the like instead of “steaming” which is a traditional way to process the rice for SAKE.   Based on the experience last winter, it seems that the rice with a regular rice cooker is too soft if the rice is milled up to 60%.  This is a different result to use a regular rice for a meal.   On the other hand, steaming is a little complicate process and it is not easy to do in a regular kitchen.  Therefore, I postponed this experiment in the future and try to make sure the process is repeatable.
   Thus, the basic direction is the same recipe and materials:
  • ·         Rice milled up to 60%
  • ·         Raw rice malt (Koji)
  • ·         Yeast is #9

·         Recipe is exactly the same as last year’s I have been waiting for the material I ordered and I will start brewing as soon as I get them.  I am expecting to start it before Christmas.   Let’s see how it goes!

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