
Brokeoff Mountain backcountry skiing in Lassen Volcanic National Park

Brokeoff Mountain

I went backcountry skiing last weekend, April 3, 2016.  Here is the report:

Brokeoff Mountain (2814m / 9239ft)
Elevation Gain / Loss: 823m (2700 feet)
Ascend Time: 2:30
Descend Time: 1:00
Round trip: 9.2km (5.7 mile)
Total: 3:50

About Brokeoff Mountain

Brokeoff Mountain is the second highest mountain in the park, next to the Lassen Peak.  While the approach to Lassen Peak is long in the winter closure, Brokeoff Mountain is really short approach from the south entrance of the park.  It allows us to make a day trip, actually a half day trip to Brokeoff Mountain in a reasonable condition.

Starting location
Typically, people who are heading to Brokeoff Mountain start right before the source entrance.   There is a small parking space before reaching the park entrance on CA-89.  However, I tried to approach from the parking lots after the entrance in front of the visitor center this time.  So that the starting location is the visitor center.
In the beginning, toward north from the visitor center for a few minutes.  There is a wide open slop on the northwest side (on the left side of CA-89 with facing to north).   From the south end of the slop, I got into the forest toward Brokeoff Mountain (toward to west).   Small creeks were covered by plenty of snow and the route was across small creeks without hassle.   After thirty minutes to one hour, the summer trail is merged and gets into a really nice slope on the east side of Brokoff Mountain.  There is very few trees and wide open slope.
 East face of Brokeoff Mountain

The route is diagonally up toward left side (south side of the summit).   Based on the map, the summer trail is on the lower part between trees.  In a good condition of the snow, we can climb above the tree line to short cut.   When we traverse the base of the east face of Brokeoff Mountain, we need to be careful to watch the east face side, avalanche, falling rocks and so on.
The last section of ascending toward the summit
Once we reach to the ridge toward to the summit, there is another wide open slope on the southwest side of the mountain.  The slope is getting a little steeper, but it is probably nice slop for skiing down.  On the ridge, it may be getting windy and people need to wear a jacket.  This time, the southwest slop got wind slab and the right below the summit was getting heard and icy.   I left my backpack and skis right below the summit and wore crampons to climb the final steps to the summit just in case.  

 Right below the summit
East side is very steep and west / south west side is a nice slope for skiing

 A nice view from the summit
(Lassen peak is on the center and Mt. Diller on the left)

After taking photos and videos, I descended where I climbed up.  Although the snow condition around the summit was icy, once descended a little bit, the snow is getting corn snow and it was easy to ski overall.  I did ski down following the ridge toward south.  The view is spectacular, the sky is really blue, mountains and hills which all covered by snow.  I wore an action cam recorder and I can share the view as a Youtube Video.

Youtube Video
It is a nice slop along the ridge, but to back to the visitor center we need to turn left (or toward to east) somewhere.   This time I turned left where the summer trail turns left based on my GPS map.  Probably we can turn left a bit higher location to get into the nice slop on the east side of the Brokeoff Mountain.
 Lassen peak on the south ridge

There is not many trees on the slop along the creek near the summer trail.  However, to back to the visitor center where I parked, I had to get into the forest and traverse.  Probably it might be good to start at the summer trail head next time, then we can follow the creek and enjoy skiing.  This time, there was enough snow and I still could ski between trees during the traverse.  Then the last slop toward CA-89 was not too bad.  But due to high temperature at the day, the snow was getting wet and heavy.
This was my first backcountry skiing to Brokeoff Mountain.   It is nice route for backcountry skiing in Lassen Volcanic National Park.


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