
Lassen Volcanic National Park -- Played in a snow field!

Less snow this spring (March 2013)
  About Lassen Volcanic National Park
   Lassen Volcanic National Park is located in northern California.  CA-89 that is a load across the part in summer time, but the load is usually closed in winter.   There is a lot of snow in winter through early spring.  Late March is a good time to play in the snow field.  A couple years ago, I read a guide book for back country skiing and found out Lassen Volcanic National Park is one of nice location to enjoy back country skiing.  So that I visited the part to see what it looks.  It was very beautiful view right after snow storm in February.

Visitor Center when I visited the park for the first time (February 2010)
  We arrived at the part early in the morning.  There were very few cars in the parking lot.  It was very clean, nice blue sky.  That was something I was looking for.
February 2010 near the visitor center
  Trees got fresh snow and everything white.  A few people was going to back country skiing.  Some ski tracks were on a nice snow sloop near the visitor center.
 Many ski tracks on a sloop!

  It was different from a typical ski resort.  My kids also liked the snow field and they really enjoyed.  After that our family visited the park a couple times a year except last year.  Last winter, there was not much snow over there during the winter.  There were some snow storms in March.  That was not usual.  We planed to visit there in the end of March.  But due to the last big snow storm last winter, we gave up the trip.

We visited there last weekend!
  We went there last weekend with some friends.  It had been almost two years.  We expected a lot of snow over there.  Unfortunately, the snow was not much as we expected.  The snow removal on CA89 started and making a good progress this spring.   I guess about a months earlier than typical years.  Although there was not much snow, it was first visit in winter / spring time for other families.  Even I said there was not much snow, there was enough snow to make a snow cave, playing with snow thread and so on.
 Snow cave!  Kids were so happy inside of the snow cave.  (2010)

  At the end of a day, kids were getting a very good idea how to use snow saw and snow shovel.  They can cut a nice snow blocks and they made a tiny snow cave by themselves.  It was a really fun out door activities in a spring break. 

Activities in winter / spring:
  • Back country skiing / snow boarding
  • Snow shoe hiking
  • Making snow cave
  • Snow threading
  • Snow camping
 Other information
  • Nice and clean bath rooms in the visitor center building  (Open in winter as well)
  • Entrance fee is $10 that is valid for 7 days.  If you have annual path for National Parks, you can use it.
Lassen Volcanic National Park is about 4~5 hours driving from San Francisco Bay Area.    It is worth to visit there and you can enjoy completely different experience from a regular ski resort.

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