
Good training after age 40! ~ Don't do training too much!

Good Training after age 40!

I usually run a few times a week last a few years and it might be a good for me.

I resumed running when I was 40 years old.
Originally, my goal was sub-3, which is less than 3 hours for full marathon.
I run about 200 miles a month to achieve the goal.
Unfortunately, I have not achieved the goal after 40 years old due to injuries.

I guess it was probably all right the first a few years.

However, I was getting old and my body cannot recover well in a short time.
That was the primary reason I kept injured.

The problem was once I got injured, I had to stop running for a while.
After resume the training, it took longer time to recover the original fitness level for a long time.

Key is to avoid injury 

Especially after 50 years old, it is very difficult to recover the fitness level before the injury.
Therefore, to keep a similar fitness level, I need to continuously train regular basis.
That is really the key.

Probably, it might be too much to run long distance every day for most of people who is over 50!
There might be some exceptions, but it might be true in general.

Tip for training after age 50!

Here is some tip based on my experience!
  • Follow a training plan - There are many free training plans in the internet!
  • Using some measurable index for training
  • Having one or two resting days
Training Plan 
I am using a training plan in "Garmin Connect".  You need to register the web site, but there are many training plans and they are good to avoid over training.

Measurable index
Some model of Garmin Running device, such as Forerunners / Fenix, has a feature to show a recovery time based on the strength of training.  I guess it might be a conservative side, but it is probably good indication to have the next training for people who is over 50!

Based on the data, the typical frequency of training for me is somewhere around every 2 days or 3 days.

Resting days

Other than recovery time, I set at least one resting days once a week.

Good to have monitor your activities!

It is always good to have a way to monitor your activities!

I am using a Garmin Running device to monitor my activities.

A bit expensive, but there are many nice features!

It is a reasonable price.
This device is one generation older, but it is good enough and the price is very good deal!


Data analysis for hiking! ~ good to have heart rate data during training!

Data analysis for hiking

Heart rate is one of good index to understand training effort.
It is not only managing your pace for hiking, but also analyzing your training effort as well.

The following chart is heart rate distribution for a training last weekend.
I went hiking to a local trail for a training for hiking to Mt. Whitney this summer!

As you can see, the majority of my heart rate stays in Zone1.  This means this activity was pretty mild and easy effort.

The following chart is heart rate distribution for hiking to Mt. Whitney in 2018.

I managed my walking pace based on my heart rate and intentionally kept my pace very slow.
Even though, the almost half of time is zone 2 and it got into zone 3 a little.

The training last weekend is only three and half hours.  And hiking on the first day to Mt. Whitney in 2018 was about four and half hours with heavy backpack!

I got really bad muscle ache after the hiking and I was exhausted.
This indicates my fitness level was pretty bad! 

What would be a potential issue?

The essential issue for my fitness level is really lack of strength of muscle for ascending / descending because I did not go hiking after Mt. Whitney hiking in August last year.

Thus, I really needs to walk more hilly trail next a few month!


Started training for Mt. Whitney hiking this summer!

Hike to Mt. Whitney from Cottonwood Pass this summer

As I mentioned a couple times, I will go hiking from Cottonwood to Mt. Whitney this summer.
This route is much longer than Mt. Whitney Trail where I hiked a several times in the past years.

I plan to hike there in September and I still have three months.
I just started training today!

Running is not enough!

I run 3 ~ 4 times a week, but I do not believe it is not good enough.
People need to train muscle for ascending / descending.  It would be hard to train just running. 

I think it is possible to train muscle for ascending with StareMaster in a gym, but muscle for descending is probably hard.   The best way is just go hiking to do ascending and descending.

I could not reach where I plan!

I went PG&E trail Rancho San Antonio County Park after I dropped my daughter at Japanese School.
I headed to Black Mountain within 2 hours.  However, I could not reach there and returned 1km before the destination.  Total 16 km with 3 and half hours.   It is obvious that my fitness level is getting very poor.

The heart rate is not really reach to Zone 3.   It was the first day, but I need to train on the trail every week to recover my fitness level.

It was bad and I do have muscle ache now!  Just for aerobic performance, it would be all right due to regular running exercise!