
iPhone App project

The project is work in progress!

As I mentioned that I had been working on iPhone App since the end of September, it is still work in progress.   Some people are aware of some posts in my Japanese site.

Since I am focusing on Japanese version first, I did not post a lot in this site.

iPhone APP I am targeting

The APP I am targeting is a tool to organize all information related this blog into an APP.
Since blog is just posting articles and it is not really organized well.  There is a tag for each article, but it is not really enough to find out some information from the past posts.

A good example is recipe.  I also sometime looked for a recipe I posted.  However it is not really easy to find out.   Actually, it is not very hard when I am using PC.  However, it is very hard to find out on a smart phone.  Since there is no category listing side menu on a mobile site.
I have to go to a regular PC site and adjust the display size to find a post.

It is inconvenient when I cook something in a kitchen.  It would be nice to see it on a smart phone other than PC.

There are some similar information from my posts.

Web site is one of solutions

Build a web site is one of solution to organize the information.  So originally, I was thinking to have a web site to organize some useful information from the posts.   However, I realized that it is much more convenient if I can access such information from my smart phone.
In this case, a web site won't be the best solution since it is probably not really optimized for smart phone such as display size and basic operation.

All major services provide a dedicated APP for the best user experience.

On-going project is "Let's GO!"

So I called my project "Let's GO".  "GO" means "Group Organizer".
The app will integrate "News" feature which is something like "mail magazine".  Instead of sending a lot emails to subscribers, I post into "cloud (internet)" to share the news which includes a summary of new articles, events information, timely information such as Mt. Whitney lottery.

Also, I will integrate a reservation feature for one-on-one session with people who are interested in information I am sharing.  For a real time communication, a messenger / chat feature is also included.

Then, all useful information will be organized in a cloud database and provide the access from a smart phone.

The concept is a web data in a pocket.

Internationalization is one of time consuming effort

I really want to share the information world wide.  However majority of reader is still Japanese.  Therefore, I will focus on Japanese edition and try to support English for a long run.  Since internationalization effort on Smart phone APP is not small and I do not have time to do the both for now.   So I will try to release an APP in Japanese and try to add English menu / contents later.

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