
Adobe Photoshop Element 12 ~ compatibility problem between a download version and DVD retail package version

I got a trouble again!
I was getting a several trouble since last year, I got another trouble again.
The problem this time is a problem for Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.
What’s happened?
We need to edit photos and we downloaded a trail version from Adobe web site in early January this year.  The trial period is 30 days and the expiring date was coming soon.  So that we decided to buy a license.   We just found a retail package in Costco that is lower price than the on-line download version price and we bought it in Costco.
We tried to put the serial number from the retail package since the software complained the expiring date is coming soon.   Unfortunately it did not work.   We gave up and uninstall the software and installed it again from scratch with the DVD in the retail package.   It seemed to be working all right in the beginning.
However, it was suddenly not working after a few days.  We did not know what was going on.  We did not change anything for Windows and did not install any other software to the PC.
 We tried to make it work and tried uninstall and install so many times.   The problem was only launch “PhotoEditor”.   “PhotoOrganizer” was working no problem.  Since we did not touch Windows including update and it seemed to be a problem in Adobe application.
When I uninstalled the application, it seemed to be everything was deleted.  However it seems that some information was still on the PC somewhere or it might check some information in a server in Adobe.   Since if I installed it from a trial image, it said the trail was expired even if I deleted all files in the Photoshop related folders.   I was not sure, but it seemed that it was a problem with the license management in the application.   The license information might not to be updated.  When I installed it from DVD.
The customer service was really USELESS!!!!
We did not have much choice.   As usual, we, I and my wife, tried to call customer service many times for this issue.   They did not help this at all.
First, the person on the phone could not do anything and they just transferred phone to the different section or person again and again.  Every time the call was transferred, we had to wait for a long time to get the next person.   Then, what they said was the customer support for Photoshop Elements 12 was not free.  It is really ridicules.
The end result was nothing we could do.   We decided to return the retail package to Costco.  The return was accepted.
Also, there was a big confusion with “trouble-shooting” function on Windows.   When I tried it, it says Windows found an incompatible application and it suggested to use some other compatible mode to run the application.   However, it was not true.   I did not believe it was a compatibility problem since it was working when we installed it for the first time and we did not touch Windows related configuration.   Also, we did not install any other application after install Photoshop Elements 12.   It was likely the license management problem between the download image and retail package.

It was really simple.  When we bought another one from on-line and put a serial number, then it works.  We did not see any problem at all.   Somehow, Adobe makes some differentiation between the retail DVD package and the download image.  Once people install a trial version, the DVD installer could not override the license information.   Once the trail is expired, the software starts not working.  I guess it is really simple and basic thing they need to support.  
I guess it is better to do some research when people by a retail package after a trial.   It might happen a similar problem with other software.   It will waste your time to figure this out and make it work.
This experience was really bad and spent a lot of time to make this work.   Especially the due date to complete the photo editing was getting close.   We did not have much time to solve this case.


Be careful to proceed repair SONY product in the US!!

   In the end of last year, one of my camera lens was not functional.  After more than 1 months, the repair had been completed and sent it back.  Now I can shoot daily photos like before.

   However, I had a problem with SONY for this repair and I would like to share my experience.

Flat Rate Repair

   Whenever people make a repair request, they do care how much cost they need to spend.  A good thing for the process this time is "flat rate repair" when I placed the request on SONY USA web site.  The price was reasonable and I thought it was a great idea.

   There are seven exceptions not to apply the flat rate repair.  I do not believe anything can apply my case.  But actual cost is not the one showed when I place the order.

    Here is the exceptions:
  • Replacement of display parts such as LCD
  • Internal corrosion or moisture damage
  • Cosmetic parts
  • Any condition resulting from physical abuse, misuse or excessive wear
  • Business and professional product or any product used commercially, or in a manner other than originally designed or intended.
  • Devices older than seven years from last market date
  • Damage resulting from any prior repairs
In my case, the problem was just stuck focus ling and I do not think anything above could be applied.

I am in a trouble!!

The initial process was very smooth.  The initiation was very easy on SONY USA web site.  SONY also called me when they receive the lens.

The operator for the first confirmation call told me they would evaluate the lens before proceeding the repair.  He also told me it might take a several days.  However, a status was changed suddenly, the process was pending and waiting for my approval to pay higher cost than the initial "flat rate price".  There was no phone call to explain this at all.  It was just web status.

What!  It was not flat rate!?

Once I saw that message on the web, I went SONY USA site to make sure the conditions again.  Yes, it clearly says, the device to qualify "the flat rate repair".  I also confirmed all exception cases.
I called SONY customer service to complain this.  The operator kept saying that the initial price was generated by the system and it was just a place holder.  I tried to explain about the flat rate I saw on the web.  But they did not listen to me at all.

My option could be dispose it or sending it back with my cost if I did not agree the new higher price.

After long time conversation with the operator, finally I agreed to pay the amount.  I did not have much choice and I like the lens and the price range was still below the maximum price I set.  After that, everything was smooth and the repair had been completed within 1 week and sent it back to me.

Overall, this thing was really bad.  What SONY did to me was really bad!!!!!!

SONY sent a survey today and I gave all my complaints to them, but nothing was happened.  I guess people need to be careful to buy SONY product or ask a repair to SONY.

I am not sure if people had a similar experience like this.  I am considering to post this experience somewhere on the internet.  If you have any suggestions / advice, please let me know.