
GPS Watch ~ Garmin 910XT~

A watch with GPS
Garmin 910XT

Garmin 910XT

GPS watch!
   Today, I am writing about a watch with GPS function, GPS watch!  I have been running as a part of my daily life and joined a few race last a few years.   When I run, I usually ware a watch with a GPS watch that was bought three years ago.  I have been using Garmin GPS watch (405CX) as my partner during my training.  With this watch, distance, pace, heart rate during the training can be recorded and logged to the internet.  This is a good motivation to continue the training as a part of life.  I had some health problem such as overweight and etc.  After I started running regular basis, those problems had been going away and I am healthy nowadays.
   Talking about the watch, due to GPS function, it cannot use a typical small button battery like a regular watch.  The GPS watch is using a rechargeable buttery embedded in the watch.  Because of so many re-charge cycles, the discharge time is getting shorter nowadays.  I think it is a time to buy another one.  Some internet articles say it is possible to replace the battery, but I decided to buy another one.    The last weekend was Memorial Day weekend and many shops did a special sale.  One of outdoor shop has a GPS watch on sale.  I thought it  was a good deal and I bought a new one.
Longer battery discharge time!
   Since I also interested in “ultra marathon” that is a race longer than full marathon (26.2 miles).  I am getting old and cannot run very fast, therefore I may take longer time to finish such race.  So the previous model is not good enough to log an entire race.  That is one of reason I pick this Garmin 910XT.  The previous one can be operated up to 8 hours based on its specification.  This new one can be operated up to 20 hours that is usually long enough time to finish except some very long “crazy race” like 100 mile trail race.  That is one of big reasons I picked this model.

Large display
   Since I am getting older and need reading glasses to see small fonts.  The previous one has very small display and fonts.  It is sometimes hard to read the information on the display.  However, this new model has a large display and it is much easier to read all information without reading glasses.   That is a big plus for me!!
No sensibility problem !!
    One of a big problem on the previous one that is so sensitive for the bezel operation.  The previous one needs to use bezel to change / set the device.   It is somehow a nice feature and design.  But a problem is it is so sensitive.  Some time sweat or rain is a cause to activate an operation during running, such as switching display unexpectedly.  This new one does not have such problem since all operation is based on buttons, no bezel operation or touch panel and all minimum operation during running can be done with buttons very easy.
What is getting worse?
   There are some minor problems, but they are not really big problems at all.
First thing is a problem to use it as a watch in a daily life.  Since this model is not designed to use it as a regular watch without GPS function.  It is still possible to show a time on the display with customizing the data field on the display.  For longer operation time, users may want to disable GPS function every time to use it as a watch.  There is no stand-by mode like the previous model.  This model is really focusing on training / logging the training long.
   The supported training modes are also less than the previous model.  The previous model has three training menu, “simple”, “heart rate” and “interval’.  This new one has only two, “interval” and “custom”.   Basically all previous function can be covered by “custom”.  But the setup is a little tricky.  Since just set a custom workout as distance 10km, then it works.  But lap time cannot be captured with this simple setup.  We need to set 1km x 10 with repeating to trace each lap time.  As long as users understand the structure of the custom workout, it should not be a problem and it can be done on a PC as well.

I think there won’t be a perfect one.  So that this new one has cover most of function I need.  I will use this “partner” for my training to improve my performance.



Let's go camping! (2) Different camping style

Let's go camping (2)
~ different camping style ~

 Camping during hiking to Mt. Whitney

   This is the second article for camping.  Today, I am focusing on camping style.  Before we are getting into more detail for camping.

There are various styles for camping, such as a part of climbing / hiking, easy family camping next to a car and etc.  Depending on a style all equipments and activities are various as well.   The easiest camping I think is just load all stuff into a car and going to a campsite.  This is a popular camping style for a family.  Many people who read this article might be looking for such easy camping.
   The other style may be a backpacking camping, a part of climbing / hiking, bike trip  and  kayaking tour.  Also, it is very popular to use a special car that is called "camping car" in a camp site.  However, I have not had any experience with a camping car, so that I do not have much thing to talk about.

Family camping (auto-camping is a popular wording in Japan)
   There is not a clear definition for this style.  In general, put all camping gear and food into a car.  Then park the car next to a camp site.  In this case, may gears can be shared with a daily life.  Many cases, people do not care weight / volume for gears.  Off course, there is a limitation depending on a car capacity, but it does not really matter in many cases, such as carry a big cooler box, tables, chairs and etc.  It is probably a similar as a daily life.  I guess this is the easiest camping.

Backpacking camping
   This is a style to put all gears and foods into a backpack and carry to a campsite where typically far away from car or transportation.  This is very similar as climbing / hiking.  But there are many national / state parks here in the US, with small hills and coast line with many trails.  People move one site to another or stay one location to enjoy other outdoor activities such as fishing and etc.  This is also popular style in the use.
    Since people needs to carry everything by own, typically small / light gears are preferred.  I think people can have totally different experience from a daily life.
    I also think to do this with our family since my kids are getting older and it is a good time to start this style.

Climbing / Hiking
   This is a part of climbing or hiking.  The primary purpose is not really camping.  A camp site is typically far away from a place where we have a daily life and it is not easy to get back there.  Therefore, total weight and packed size is one of key factor to put them into a back pack.  Also, an ability to take care of unexpected events.

Other styles, bike / motorcycle / kayak touring
   They might be a similar as a climbing / hiking style.  They are also that camping is not a primary purpose.  All packed size is also limited like climbing / hiking or backpacking style, but it could be a little better.

This article is basically focusing on family style, backpacking style including climbing / hiking to talk about tips and gears.  There are different factor / things to enjoy camping.

(To be continue ....)


Let's go camping (1)

Let's go camping (1)

A nice camp site in Redweed trees

  This weekend is Memorial Day weekend, we went camping somewhere last a few years.  But we cannot go camping this long weekend,  due to moving out from the current home and injury of my left arm.
  Also, it is hard to do cook smoked food because many stuff is packed for moving out.  There is not much activity last a several weeks.   I do not have many topics to share in this blog.   I decided to post some articles about camping including equipment, tips and etc.

   Today is just introduction.  More contents will come following articles!

(To be continue .....)


Portable GPS for hiking / climbing

Portable GPS device for hiking / climbing

Garmin 62S

 I wrote the same article about a portable GPS device a few weeks ago in the Japanese site.  I also introduce a portable GPS in this English site.

GPS(Global Positioning System)
    A car navigation system with GPS is getting very popular and convenient nowadays.  The device tells us estimated arrival time and route to the destination with just putting destination address.  The information is very accurate in the most of time.  Also, newer model has a feature to detour congested portion.  The devices keep improving its function.

Portable GPS device
   Those GPS devices are getting popular in climbing and hiking.  Many people carry portable GPS device when they are on a trail.   Most of devices do not have a nice navigation feature like a car navigation system, however, they can show where people walked on a map.  Newer models are faster to capture satellites than older models.  Also, sensibility is improved and it is working in the most of place as long as people can see sky even if there are many tall trees on the trail. 

    There are various models using touch-panel like a smart phone and it is easy to use for most of people.  The display panel is also getting bigger.  One I have looks like a wally-talky, the operation is a classic style with some buttons.  A benefit for such type is people can operate with globs, therefore, even in a winter in a snow field, we can use with wearing globs.  That is a big reason I picked classic style device.

Still need maps?
   In old days, map and compass are necessary to navigate on a trail.  Then a questions many people have is if we still need them or not.   In my opinion, I believe we still need maps and compass.
   The reason is: 
  •  It is not easy to see overall area.  GPS can zoom in/out, but it is hard to see overall.  It is sitll convenient to have a map to see overall.
  • Dead battery and / or trouble always happen any time.  Just in case, it is still better to have maps and compass as a backup option.
  • GPS might not work when there are many tall trees, in a cave and etc.  In this case, only option is using maps and compass.  Actually, a state park in California like Big Basin Redwood state park.  There are many tall redwood trees and brochure indicates in its notes, GPS might not work due to tall red trees and they suggest to carry maps and compass when people go hiking.
Usability in a field
   I often carry the GPS device in a field.  Since I lives in California, I primary use it in hiking trails in California.  However, maps in the GPS does not have actual trail except very few trails that are really major in national parks or something similar.  Therefore, we need to understand overall trail, otherwise, it is easy to get lost.  A good thing is all route that I walked with GPS device ON will be logged.  Therefore, it helps to go back on the same route.
   A convenient feature I like most is to keep track the time stamps for each location on the log.  It is convenient to write a notes after that.  Also, if people have a heart rate monitor, the device can pair the monitor with the GPS device and record real time heart rate with the route.  It is a good feature to review the walking pace and plan.
    Garmin offers a web site to upload the activities.  It is very convenient to keep all record on a web site.  People can share and access over the internet.

Difference from GPS function in a smart phone

   Most of GPS function in a smart phone needs to get the internet connection to download map information.
Therefore, if a place could not get mobile phone coverage, the GPS function might not work with maps.  This might not a big problem if a trail close to town/city.  However, if trails far away from town/city, it might not work.  So people needs to know how the mobile coverage looks like.
   A device I have can work a whole day with two AA batteries.  With some spare batteries, it can be used even if it is a long trip.

   Recently, I have not had many chances to use the device, but I will try to use it and log where I walked, then I will share my hiking in this blog!! 
