
Avalanche Safety Gear ~ Avalance beacon and snow shovel and probe

Avalanche beacons

Avalanche safety....

There might be higher risk for avalanche when people ski in back country, outside of ski resorts.  I saw many people ware avalanche beacon in Europe even if in a ski resorts.

This is an equipment to identify a location in snow when people meet an avalanche.  It is better to ware avalanche beacon when we go skiing in back country.

Also, we need snow shovel and snow probe as well!

Although an avalanche beacon is useful, it is not good enough to rescue people in snow in a short time.   
Snow probe and Snow shovel

Once we identify a rough location where a person in snow, we need to have a probe to identify exact location / depth where he/she is.  Then we need to dig him/her out.  Without a snow shovel, it is very hard to do in a short time.   Therefore, snow probe / snow shovel are really necessary to rescue people as well.  Basically all member need to carry them.

Snow saw 

Snow saw is probably nice to have.  I think most of cases, we probable do not need snow saw to rescue from avalanche accident.   Since the snow might not be very hard in most of cases.   However it is very useful to make a snow cave especially some emergency case in a snow.

Snow cave would be a good shelter to unexpected camp in a snow without a tent.


Half Dome Preseason Lottery 2019 is delayed (Yosemite NP)

Half Dome (Yosemite National Park / California USA)

Preseason Lottery for Half Dome is delayed according to the web site of Yosemite National Park this year.  It is usually starting on March 1 every year.  The date to open has not been determined yet.

To hike to the top of Half Dome a permit required.  To get the permit, there are two different way to get it.  One is going through preseason lottery and the other is daily lotteries.  Since daily lottery allocation is limited, it is probably a good idea to get it through preseason lottery.

It is better to pay more attention for announcement on the web site to find out the new schedule.