
School district

As I mentioned that we moved to Dublin from Pleasanton.  We knew many people who moved out from Pleasanton stay in the same school.  We thought we just need to tell the school we moved.  However the formal process is different.  We did not know this.  When we told the new address in Dublin, we were told that we need to go through a formal process and there could be a chance the request would be rejected.

The formal process is:
  • Need to submit inter & intra district transfer request to Dublin unified school district first.  To submit the request, it requires some other documents such as report card.
  • Once Dublin school district approves the request, the the form will be sent to Pleasanton school district.
  • The board of Pleasanton unified school district reviews the request and will make final decision the request is accepted or not.  According to the district, there is a chance to reject the request.
In our case, we were still Pleasanton resident when enroll the new school year.  Therefore, our kids were able to go to the same school.  However, we moved to Dublin in the end of September.  Then, we need to go through the process above.   Since our kids were already in the school and we got an approval from the Pleasanton unified school district.  The process took more than one month and we did not know if the kids can stay or not.  It might be different if the moving is before the enrollment. 

I checked some people who could be a similar situation.  However, it seems they did not go through the process and they are just stay the school, probably without notifying their moving to the school.

When people move to the other school district, it might be better to check what needs to be done before moving.  Then everything could be smooth.  In our case, we did not know what needs to be done in advance and we needed to solve such process one by one.

I just want to share our experience in this blog!!


Christmas is coming!

Christmas tree in our home

 This year was really busy year for our family.   We did not really plan to move to other place early this year.  However, we took a look at some homes in April.  After checking the past sales price our old neighborhood, we decided to sell our previous residence and buy a bigger house.

 After the decision, it was sold in a very short time.  However, it was hard time to buy a house due to very hot real estate market.   We took a look at more than a few hundred houses and finally we bought one we really like.  That was a really big event for our family this year.

  Since we moved into a little bigger house and we bought a bigger Christmas tree this year.  This is not a real tree, but kids are very happy with the tree.  Kids spent their time for the decoration.   It looks nice especially balloon arts on the right side of the tree.  They made "Candies" with red/white balloons and they look really nice!  They really like bigger tree and waiting for Christmas!

Merry Christmas!